Friday, August 2, 2013


Guttierez Family


Javier Guttierez


Age: 40

Gender: Male

Javier is a father of three wonderful children and a husband to his beautiful wife.

He works for a roofing company due his lack of education.

He was born and raised in Mexico. He came to the United States so that his family can have a better future and so he can work to put food on the table.

Supports his better half while she goes to school to learn English.



  •         Javier has to worry about the education that his family is receiving. He came to the United States in order for his family to have a better life by adapting to the U.S. He wants the best for his children because he did not get much education due to lack of money in his house. He was raised in a poor home and had to work at an early age to put some food on the table. He does not want his children to go thru the same thing and that is why he brought his family to the US to have a better academic future; possibly a career as well. He encouraged his wife to get into school to learn English so that she can help the children with their academics and for her to possibly get a better job. With the knowledge of English, she could possibly get a better job.


Rosa Guttierez
Age: 35

Gender: Female

Rosa is a mother of three kids and a wife to a loving husband.

She goes to school to learn English.

When she is not at school, she is at home taking care of the children and their needs.

Supports her hard working husband for working so hard for their family.

  •       Rosa and Javier got married at a young age so Rosa did not get the education she needed as well. She moved to the United States with Javier and their first born to get a better life. They now have three children that they have to think of their future academically. Rosa wants the best education for her children so they can be successful later in their life. She was encouraged to take English classes by her husband so that she would be able to help their children on homework and so that she had more possibilities for jobs. She truly likes learning English each day and understands a little of her children’s homework.
Baby Jesse Guttierez
Age: 5 months

Gender: Male

Jesse needs attention twenty- four hours of the day from his parents.

Mom and Dad have to switch on who watches the Jesse based on work and school schedules.

Needs to be carried in a stroller since he is too young to walk.

When he is awake he likes to be held

He gets cranky when she is hungry and will often cry very loud high pitch screams.
  • Jesse’s case, he still has his whole future ahead of him. However, the education he receives is crucial because as he grows, his mind is like a sponge. His learning abilities is more vulnerable in his youth. With the education he receives, it could determine whether he becomes bilingual or just continues with his native language and is lost in the English academics.
Marcos Guttierez
Age: 12

Gender: Male

Marcos is the second oldest child of the family.

He’s in middle school and strives to learn in school

He mostly speaks Spanish because at home, Spanish is the only language used to communicate to each other due to the lack of English his parents know.
  •       Marcos strives to learn in school, but he struggles in his homework because his parents dont understand English. He was given a personal tutor because the teacher could not slow down the class to help him one on one. Even with the personal tutor, he feels that he is not in the same level in academics with his student peers.
Chayanne Guttierez
Age: 14

Gender: female

Chayanne is the oldest child of the family.

She is an 8th grader in the same middle school that her brother is in

He mostly speaks Spanish because at home, Spanish is the only language used to communicate to each other due to the lack of English his parents know.

When she came to the US as a baby with her parents, she had trouble adapting to the US schools and was labeled ELL student.

She was separated from her classmates when she really just wanted to be just like them and learn like them.
  • When she came to the US as a baby with her parents, she had trouble adapting to the US schools and was labeled ELL student. She was separated from her classmates when she really just wanted to be just like them and learn like them. Just like her brother, she struggles in her homework and she doesnt feel that she is prepared for high school. She wonders if she would get the same treatment in high school.

The three problematic personas I chose were Rosa, Marcos, and Chayanne:

  •        These three personas all have a difficulty with English and are segregated from other classmates they study with. They have been stereotyped due to their lack of English proficiency and this is why this campaign would help. The campaign would inform the personas about the bilingual education program and how to make others understand that this program will help ESL students advance to their level in academics. For the environmental interactions, this campaign could be displayed in every school and community center that could inform ESL oriented families about the bilingual education program.


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