Problem and Purpose Statements
A. Subject Area: Education
Latino students have been labeled and foreseen to be
unsuccessful in their future. The bilingual education/ language minority education
and children leads to separation and different treatment (ELL students)
Purpose Statement:
The purpose of the study is to examine the bilingual students along with the bilingual education program that is currently used. In addition, examining if the stereotypes still continue with Latino students with the new bilingual curriculum.
B. Subject Area: Electronic Entertainment
Problem Statement:
Video game violence against teens as
well as adults.
Purpose Statement:
The purpose of the study is to identify the cause and effect
of videogame violence in order to create a solution.
C. Subject Area: Art
Problem Statement:
When is art not an art? Who is
actually considered a real artist?
Purpose Statement:
The purpose of the study is to identify the actual
definition of art and the restriction to
consider what a piece could be labeled as art.
I think your first topic is neat. I think its a very strong topic and would benefit the community more. Would love to see the progress throughout this class, especially your research, as it does not look easy at all.