Thursday, June 27, 2013

Journal Blog #1

1) Who are YOU? (Your DAI Major Study/Emphasis/Concentration; Interests; etc…)
      My name is Diana Valencia and my major is in the Industrial Arts: Concentration in VIsual Communication. I have an emphasis in Animation and a minor in Raza Studies. My interests are mainly in drawing and designing of any kind.

2) What Inspires/”WOWs” YOU? (provide and “inspirational” Quote)
      The main phrase that inspires me is "Si Se Puede" by Cesar Chavez, which translates to " Yes you can."  This phrase has inspired my mother and I to get through college. My mother graduated UC Berkeley, which was her dream school, and i am close to graduating from San Francisco State University.

3) Who, or What are your influences?
       My family and my closest friends influence me to pursue my dream and support me 100 percent.

4) What is your Vision or HOPE in your life(time)? (academically; professionally; and/or socially)
      My vision is to be the first one of my generation to graduate college and continue my goal for design. I would also like to incorporate my Animation studies into my design to be unique in the design world. I would be interested in designing for advertisement, designing objects, and some animation. If i could have a job within those subjects, I would love to go to work everyday.

5) Post an Image(s) that Best represents YOU and/or Your Vision(s)

6) Provide Six (6) “Key Words” that best describe YOU
     Goal-Driven, Honest, Hard-Worker, Artist, Energetic, Creative

 Research Journal/Process BLOG:
      The problem topics that i chose to research on were not based on a community partner or organizations, so i had to look at my topics again. Then i decided to change my second topic to SFSU Animation Department Website. The library visit with Darlene Tong was very informative and i learned alot of new ways to get the resources for my research paper.  We also went over what was considered a primary source and a secondary source. As students said their topics out loud, i got to thinking that i could have picked the topic of video gaming addiction but unfortunately, another student picked that. I know some people that i can interview for subjects but not panels of expertise.
    Within the reading this week, i learned that research only part of the process of the research. The person researching has to do an interpretation of the information or the data collected towards the hypothesis. Research also requires specific plan of procedure and there is two types of formal research articles: refereed and edited. I also learned that the research process is cyclical and the steps for it.
These are notes i took during the lecture Proffesor Gomes was giving during class and managed to get the layers of research and the Action Research Diagram. I also learned that a research question has to be relevant, useful and important; is not linear but must be very robust; and successful when research leads to answers, even when its a no. Brainstorming is developing many ideas in a short period of time but i did not try to look beyond what i brainstormed and think of the crazy ideas.
My Brainstorm looks too formal and i did not think of ideas more than these categories i chose. I should have done some mind maps and visual diagrams like the book presents. I will be looking into the HCD website in order for reference on how to go about my research paper.

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